Divine One, have you felt it? The deep call within? The connection and knowing of something greater than your body? Greater than your mind? Something powerful enough to create worlds? What if I told you it was real? That the call within you feel is your Universal Conciousness, it's that beingness that is responsible for all you see, experience and know.
And you can live from that place every. single. day. As you learn how to program your thoughts and tune into the emotions of all you desire ,you begin to create your dreams in physical form. It's not some wild fantasy, it's real life and I am living proof that it works.
As this years retreat I will be guiding you deep into that Universal Consciousness as you tune in and begin to know and understand the truth of all you are.
You will leave the retreat knowing, understanding and LIVING from the highest version of YOU.
I will be teaching you the same techniques I teach hip-hops artists and stars as they step into the spotlight and let their message be heard. It's not about DOING it's about BEING in the fullness and magic of all that you are.
It's about the unlearning of all that you were and becoming all that you've always been!
This retreat is for those who have already started the deep spiritual work and are ready to be edged out to the next level of life, happiness and wealth consciousness on their terms.
Over three nights and four days, we gather; mind, body, and spirit to strip away the old and make room for the new, with energy activations and richuals, plant medicine, a three-day juice cleanse and detox, deep meditative journeys, and more.
You will leave with a clear understanding of your next level of Beingness and the clarity, knowledge, and desire to take action and move forward with your dreams.
Dates for 2024 Will Be Announced Soon
It's time to get to your next level of energy, wealth, and freedom!
You deserve to live a life of bliss and ease as you become a master of your Self and your energy; you become empowered to make choices more in alignment with the reality you want.
Are you ready to alchemize the shit in your life into pure fucking gold?
I am hosting an intimate weekend for empowered beings ready to reach their next level of power, energy, wealth and deep inner peace. .
We are shedding all that no longer serves us. .
Spiritually, mentally, emotionally, and physically exploring our energy, thought patterns, and self-sabotaging behaviors & beliefs. Then fine-tuning our systems and way of being to aligns with the reality we want to live in.
You will leave the retreat with a new level of energy and a profound clarity, direction, and understanding of who you are, how you operate, and how to turn your thoughts into reality.
It's time to start living a life of magic, HERE & NOW.
Are you ready?
Join me for this Heart & Mind Opening Weekend Retreat that will allow you to release the stories of the past and step into the power of the now. You will connect deeply with your Universal Consciousness and awaken the power within to create a new reality on your terms.
You will leave the retreat feeling
It's time to say FUCK YES to having it ALL.
Think dancing around a fire, stripping away all that no longer serves you, experiencing plant medicine, sipping tea under the darkness of the new moon, a beautiful hike up to rainbow falls as we go on a spiritual deep inward journey to the consciousness that dweels within. You will live feeling BRAND NEW.
Why Embodided Being Retreat?
Getting to the Root of the Issues
Powerful beings have forgotten their true nature, the deep inner guidance, their sensual magnetism, the way they can carve out worlds with thoughts and release magic with their wild howls! As we return to our true essence once again, fierce, naked, trusting, in the wild something within awakens, or remembers rather. You will leave this retreat with
As a result of my work my clients have:
I have created a unique and powerful process to guide you inward to release and embrace your wealthy & wild energy
🧚🏽♀️You will learn powerful techniques and activations to create long lasting energy and inspirtation.
🧚🏽♀️You will be lead through powerful meditations and intentional internal dialogue that will allow you to cultivate a relationship with your inner being.
🧚🏽♀️You will have time and guidance as you reflect on your experience with your wild and wealthy desires journal.
🧚🏽♀️You will embrace your Divine Sexuality as you live life in a state of pleasure and bliss.
🧚🏽♀️You will learn to create abundance and bliss in both your internal and external world
🧚🏽♀️You will learn to live from the wild wealth that exists within and create the magic you were destined to create!
🧚🏽♀️You will be at home in and of yourSelf once and for all!
If we haven’t met yet, my name is Nikyla Maria and I guide men and women all over the world to remember who they truly are with High-Impact Spiritual Technique, Energy Healing and more.
I use my 15 plus years experience in leadership, education, trauma healing, energy work and performance coaching to guide leaders and stars who are at the cutting edge of their industry into their next level using high-performance tools, master mindset strategies, and individualized coaching. I am a mindset genius and have proven time and time again that my tools and methods lead to optimal energy levels, increased productivity, expanded creativity, and a driven and disciplined mind.
Each of us has a purpose, a calling, a destiny and if you are reading this, chances are that yearning for something bigger than yourSelf is running the show. You have this deep passion, a profound desire, everything in your body is screaming… I am destined for more.
And yet you sit, doing what you normally do because it’s worked so far, but that nagging feel just won't leave?
I am the person for you. With my guidance, you will develop the only tool you will ever need to create the life you want… Complete Self Mastery.
Using my Masters Degree in Leadership, Curriculum Design, and Education, certification in advanced energy healing and , trauma recovery certification, IFS (internal family systems training, breath work, and Shamanic Meditation, I’ve developed a way for my clients to experience deep and dare I say permanent healing.
My life is proof that radical transformation is possible when you begin to choose you and open your mind to new perspectives. I am passionate about helping others make the same shift I did. I see your light, I see your love, I see your truth.
I invite you to retreat with me and take yourSelf to the Edge of Greatness & Beyond.
2024 Dates TBD
What my clients say...
Keysha Bass
Badass Business Owner and Youtube Queen
“I started working with Nikyla because my personal life was simply out of control. I was having some deep emotional pain and just praying about it wasn't cutting it.
I had so many things I had buried and I needed someone to help me unravel so I could walk in freedom.
My greatest takeaways were I learned how to love. Not only myself but also others. My marriage and my relationship with my sons has completely changed since working with her. We are able to communicate and love each other and this has been priceless.
I would recommend Nikyla because she is hands down the best coach. She is compassionate, doesn't make you feel bad, and has not only changed my life but my business has exploded!“
Heather Fantin
Transformational Coach
Nikyla has been nothing short of a miracle in my life. Her depth of knowledge is vast, her skills are sharp, her toolbox full and her energy work the most powerful I have experienced.
She has so much to offer and her presence is an incredible gift. She has given me new insight and tools to deepen my relationship with my husband and set healthy boundaries with others.
She held sacred space and helped me process my grief of losing my father, and helped me navigate the very difficult familial situations that arose with his passing. I honestly don't know what I would have done without her during this time.
Do yourself a favor and make the invest to learn from her, heal with her, soak up her knowledge, and let her guide you back home to yourself and back home to Love.
Christina White
Boss Babe
Working with Nikyla has been a challenging yet rewarding experience. Challenging because you are going to have to go through the layers within yourself.
I had a lot of trauma...sexual trauma, relationship trauma, childhood trauma, religion trauma. She has been very loving, trusting, patient, encouraging and never did I have to face ANYTHING by myself. I have been able to get emotionally naked with her and that shit is not easy at all, it’s rather painful.
Nikyla’s Love is SO unconditional, it always makes the process bearable. We have done deep healing together because she never let me feel anything by myself. Im better because of Her and the Love, wisdom, tools and coaching I have received from her. She has taught me how to show up for myself.
Her love runs deep. You will not be able to hide, quit or not show up for yourself with her at all and when you are sorting through darkness you want to do ALL of the above. You cant run. Facing and sorting through pain is not an easy process but her cure of love, knowledge and insight your going to vibrate higher.
My life is not the same because of the way she has made me challenge myself to become whole. There is no issue you won’t be able to face. I’ve never cried so many ugly tears in my life. She even had to coach me in crying (real shit) I would try and suppress my pain when trying to release it.
I’ve actually never been okay with crying and had anger issues that she’s given me tools process. I’m am making strides of progress with her. I am forever grateful for connecting paths with her
Your life will never be the same
Kathei McCoy
Fierce Freedom Facilitator
The inner child work I’ve done with Nikyla has been a game changer in my healing journey.
I’ve had numerous coaches, read tons of books and had years of counseling but I still was experiencing the freedom I was so fighting for and coaching others to experience.
The moment I met Nikyla I knew what was missing in all the years of inner work I had done. She introduced me to my inner children.
My inner children were in pain and they were running my life! Nikyla helped me connect with them, hear from them and gave me tools to heal them. I am experiencing a freedom I’ve never felt as a result of the work I’m doing with Nikyla.
Before this work I depended and longed for others to give me the love and security I so desired. I always ended up let down and frustrated and started to believe that my life would always be hard and full of struggle.
Now I am giving myself what I need and am experiencing a life full of love and pleasure in my relationship with myself, others and in my business!!
Lodging for the 3 Nights and 4 Days of the Retreat
Commune style sleeping as we gather as the wild women we are. Private rooms will be available for a fee.
3 Day Juice Cleanse
Each participant will receive a 3 Day Juice Cleanse upon arrival.
7 Juices a Day for 3 days will reset you system and allow for maximum activation. Fruit and nuts will also be provided.
Plant Medicine
For those who choose sacred plant medicine will be available to enhance your heart opening. Contact Nikyla Maria for more details.
Guided Meditations
Powerful Source inspired Inner Journey's to facilitate your healing process.
You will be provided a retreat journal to follow along with retreat activities and also reflect on your discoveries.
Experience various healing methods
Energy Healings, Deep Guided Meditations, Wild Woman Activations, breath-work, chakra clearing, and intentional guided journaling.
Private Facebook Community
to receive individual support and guidance
Activation Lessons & Reflection Journal
to optimize your experience pre & post session.
Turning Inward Virtual Retreat ($333 value)
as a special bonus you will also get access to my Turning Inward Virtual retreat to dive deep into inward dialogue and self exploration.
Inner Child Workshop ($222 value)
as a special bonus you will also get access to my Turning Inward Virtual retreat to dive deep into inward dialogue and self exploration.
Awaken Your Abundance ($111 value)
you will also receive access to my powerful wealth consciousness workbooks and money activating meditations.
Intro to Alchemy Workbook ($47 value)
you will receive a copy of my 40 Page E Book to learn how to turn the shit in your life into gold!
It's Time to Step into the next level of your Greatness!
2024 TBD